Category: Preservation and Conservation
- accelerated aging test
- acclimation
- accretion
- acid
- acid-free paper
- acid migration
- alkali
- alkaline-reserve paper
- alpha cellulose
- American Institute for Conservation
- aqueous deacidification
- archival bond paper
- archival medium
- archival quality
- Archival Resource Key
- archival storage conditions
- Archive-It
- archives box
- autocatalytic
- backlog
- backlogged
- barrier sheet
- base
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- binder
- binder hydrolysis
- binding
- binding waste
- bit loss
- bit rot
- blanching
- blocking
- bloom
- blowback
- bond paper
- bone folder
- brittle
- bronzing
- brownline
- buckling
- buffer
- burn
- calcium carbonate reserve
- Camp Pitt
- canonicalization
- carbon ink
- cellulose
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose diacetate
- cellulose nitrate
- cellulose triacetate
- channeling
- chemical wood pulp
- chip
- cinching
- clean computer
- cleaning
- cockling
- cold storage
- composite
- conservation
- conservation laboratory
- conservator
- contamination
- contingency plan
- copy
- cradle
- crawler
- crazing
- crease
- crescent
- deacidification
- degradation
- dehumidification
- delamination
- densitometric method (silver)
- desiccant
- diacetate
- digital curation
- digital forensics
- digitalize
- digital preservation
- digital preservation repository
- digital repository
- Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment
- digital surrogate
- digitize
- disaster
- disaster plan
- disaster recovery
- disaster recovery plan
- disaster response
- disaster response plan
- disinfection
- disinfestation
- DocNow
- Documenting the Now
- double fold
- dry mount
- durability
- durable paper
- edge curl
- edge fluting
- efflorescence
- emergency
- emulation
- encapsulation
- environmental control
- ethylene oxide
- extended-term storage
- Extensible Markup Language
- Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative
- Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative
- ferrotyping
- file cover
- file format migration
- file maintenance
- fixer
- flaking
- flattening
- fluting
- flyspeck
- fold endurance
- folder
- folding endurance
- format migration
- foxing
- framing
- frass
- freeze drying
- friable
- fumigation
- functional requirement
- Functional Requirements for Evidence in Recordkeeping
- gelatin emulsion
- glassine
- Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- harvest
- harvester
- hashing
- Heritrix
- holdings maintenance
- humidification
- humidity
- hydrolysis
- hydrophilic
- hygrometer
- hygroscopic
- hygrothermograph
- Image Permanence Institute
- immutability
- inert plastic
- ingest
- inherent fault
- inherent vice
- integrated pest management
- integrity
- interleave
- interleaving
- Internet Archive
- iron gall ink
- ISO 5466
- ISO 16363
- ISO 18916
- ISO 18917
- isoperm
- IT9.11
- IT9.17
- IT9.25
- label
- lamination
- leafcasting
- life expectancy
- lignin
- link decay
- link rot
- lipping
- LOCKSS Program
- lots of copies keep stuff safe
- macroenvironment
- mass deacidification
- mat
- MayDay
- MD5
- measles
- mechanical wood pulp
- media migration
- media refreshment
- Melinex
- mend
- methylene-blue test
- microclimate
- microenvironment
- microfilm
- microfilming
- microfilm inspection
- microfilm reader
- microform reader
- microspatula
- migration
- mildew
- mirroring
- mold
- mount
- Mylar
- National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
- National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives
- National Film Preservation Foundation
- nitrate
- nitrocellulose
- nonaqueous deacidification
- normalization
- off gassing
- open
- OpenDocument Format
- outgassing
- palimpsest
- paper
- peeling
- permanence
- Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives
- permanent paper
- persistent format
- persistent object preservation
- pH
- phase box
- phased conservation
- phased preservation
- photocopy
- Photographic Activity Test
- Photostat
- Pittsburgh Project
- polyester
- polyethylene
- polypropylene
- polyvinyl acetate
- polyvinyl chloride
- portfolio
- powdering
- preservation
- preservation copy
- Preservation Environment Monitor
- preservation index
- preservation laboratory
- preservation management
- preservation metadata
- preservation methods and techniques
- preservation microfilm
- Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records
- preservation photocopy
- preservation repository
- preservation transfer copy
- preserver
- preventive care
- preventive conservation
- psychrometer
- pulp
- quality index
- rag paper
- red decay
- redox
- red rot
- refolder
- refresh
- rehouse
- rehousing
- relative humidity
- relaxation
- repair
- restoration
- restore
- reversibility
- risk management
- robot
- salvage plan
- security
- security copy
- segregation
- silking
- silver mirroring
- sink mat
- sizing
- sling psychrometer
- slipcase
- slip sheet
- sodium thiosulfate
- spacer board
- spew
- spider
- stability
- staging
- stat
- sticky shed syndrome
- subbing
- surface cleaning
- tape
- tarnish
- thermohygrometer
- thermoplastic lamination
- thymol
- time-weighted preservation index
- tipping in
- triacetate
- trusted digital repository
- trustworthy digital repository
- Trustworthy Repositories Audit and Certification: Criteria and Checklist
- UBC Project
- ultraviolet filter
- ultraviolet light filter
- University of British Columbia Project
- University of Pittsburgh Electronic Records Project
- vacuum drying
- vapor phase deacidification
- vault
- vector graphic
- vellum binding
- vinegar syndrome
- WARC format
- Waveform Audio File Format
- Wayback Machine
- Web ARChive format
- web archiving
- web crawler
- well formed
- wet mount
- xerography
- yellowing
- Z39.48
- zip disk
- zip drive
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