n.the process of creating images on microfilmWeis 1959, 17Abandoning microfilming because it is not adapted to a specific group of records is like giving up all ice cream because you can’t stand pistachio flavor.Collier 1963, 483These records are filed, when received and indexed, in a temporary staging area for the calendar year, where they are available for quick reference. At the end of the calendar year they are, except for a quick check to verify completeness and proper order, ready for microfilming, if scheduled, and for subsequent transfer to permanent storage.Poole 1977, 166–167Indeed, some problems which developed with microfilm a few years ago seem to indicate that the manufacture, processing, and storage of silver halide microfilm are far more critical factors in the longevity of microfilm than was previously realized.Jones 1980, 65Microfilming is a process of photographically producing onto film miniaturized images of paper records.Anderson 1980, 175–176Microfilming eliminates the problem of bulk while preserving complete documentation, and it is the best solution for state archives that have the requisite financial resources. The costs of preparing collections for microfilming and for the filming itself would vary widely according to the condition of the records and the techniques used.Allison-Bunnell 1995, 276Currently accepted standards for archival microfilming require production of at least three copies: one storage copy, one production master, and one use copy.O’Toole 2001, 386Microfilming has been done carelessly, with a massive loss of information, and perhaps worst of all, the original copies of materials once filmed have been discarded, usually furtively, so that the offending librarians can cover their tracks.Capell 2010, 242Many institutions have explored microfilming to preserve damaged negatives, but this strategy presents many of the same challenges of photo duplication.