n.a service of the Internet Archive that captures and preserves webpages and makes them accessible to the publicAbrams et al. 2019, 442Archive-It differs from the Wayback Machine, a public archives of websites run and maintained by Internet Archive staff, in that Archive-It allows subscribing institutions to curate collections of websites relevant to their institutions and/or aligned with their collection development practices.Bowyer 2021, 44Named the Wayback Machine, it now holds over 424 billion webpages, making it the largest publicly accessible archive in the world.IIPC 2023aOpenWayback - The open source project aimed to develop Wayback Machine, the key software used by web archives worldwide to play back archived websites in the user’s browser.Internet Archive 2023dWayback Machine’s “Save Page Now” allows the public to add webpages to the overall Wayback Machine collection.Internet Archive 2023eThe Internet Archive Wayback Machine is a service that allows people to visit archived versions of Web sites. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can type in a URL, select a date range, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web.
To access an archived webpage, the user enters the URL of the page then selects a date of capture.