n.a document outlining procedures to follow when recovering archival resources after disastersGentzler 1987, 115–116The salvage operations section begins with assembling the salvage team, moves to stabilization of the environment and security in the affected area, and concludes with damage assessment and implementation of the salvage plan—including removal, packing, cleaning, and freezing of collection materials.Podany 2016First and foremost is that the initial response should be an act of gathering information and not necessarily a process of salvage. An overall picture of the damage should first be developed, evaluated and formed in to [sic] a salvage plan.OAMR and OSA 2018, 17Develop a Salvage Plan ¶ Once the recovery team has reviewed the extent of damage, determined the status of building systems and the availability of personnel, a plan of action should be developed addressing major issues in the disaster recovery plan. ¶ If damage is extensive, the salvage plan may require decisions on what records to salvage based on value, extent of damage and whether they are duplicated elsewhere.Jernæs 2021, 2A salvage plan is defined here as a part of an overall emergency response plan where items for salvaging are described with key information for the fire brigade to salvage them with minimal damage. Salvaging, which is the object of this paper, is only one of several possible response options. The salvage plan often consists of several documents, such as an inventory sheet, grab sheets and first aid for the salvaged items.Jernæs 2021, 8The salvage plan should also be available in the historic building but unavailable to strangers.
A salvage plan identifies salvage priorities and, along with a disaster plan, guides responses to a disaster during disaster recovery.