Category: Management and Administration
- access
- accession list
- accession log
- accession record
- accession register
- access policy
- access restriction
- acquisition policy
- administrative control
- agency history
- alienated record
- archival administration
- archival agency
- archival debt
- archival metrics
- archival software
- archival storage conditions
- archival structure
- archives administration
- archives management
- Archivist of the United States
- audit
- audit trail
- backlog
- backlogged
- bequest
- best practices
- business archives
- business archivist
- CA
- Camp Pitt
- captured archives
- certification
- certified archivist
- certified records manager
- chancery
- chargeout
- checklist
- citizen archivist
- Code of Ethics for Archivists
- collecting archives
- collecting policy
- collecting repository
- collection development policy
- collection management
- collection policy
- community archives
- conservator
- content management
- contingency plan
- copy
- corporate archives
- corporate archivist
- corporate memory
- custodian
- custody
- decomposition vent
- deed of gift
- deposit
- deposit agreement
- digital asset management
- digital asset management system
- digital library
- digital rights management
- digital stewardship
- direct read after write
- disaster
- disaster plan
- disaster recovery
- disaster recovery plan
- disaster response
- disaster response plan
- disclosure-free extract
- disinfection
- dispersal
- diversity
- DocNow
- documentation planning
- Documenting the Now
- document management
- donation
- donor
- donor agreement
- donor restriction
- DSpace
- electronic document management system
- emergency
- emergency destruction
- estray
- exhibition policy
- exhibit policy
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Fedora
- fire detection system
- fire extinguishing system
- Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture
- freeze drying
- fugitive
- fumigation
- gift
- gift agreement
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule
- HIPAA Privacy Rule
- holdings
- important record
- in-house archives
- incremental backup
- information management
- institutional archives
- institutional archivist
- institutional memory
- instrument of gift
- integrated pest management
- intellectual control
- joint archives
- knowledge management
- labor archives
- legal control
- legal custody
- loan
- loan agreement
- loan policy
- manuscript repository
- MayDay
- mitigation
- monetary appraisal
- National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- open collection
- participatory archives
- permanent withdrawal
- phased conservation
- phased preservation
- photographic archives
- physical control
- physical custody
- preservation management
- preserver
- preventive care
- preventive conservation
- procedure
- program
- Project STAND
- Protocols for Native American Archival Materials
- public use file
- recordkeeping system
- Records and Archives Management Programme
- records custodian
- removed archives
- reparative archives
- replevin
- resource
- respect for archival structure
- restitution
- restriction
- risk assessment
- risk management
- salvage plan
- script
- special collection
- staging area
- stewardship
- system
- system of record
- total archives
- transfer
- use restriction
- withdrawal
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