n.synonymous with deed of giftSlotkin and Lynch 1982, 157–158Although the control file contains considerable background information, including gift agreements and correspondence, the Institute Archivist takes this opportunity to give the processor additional information about the donors and creators of the papers, the circumstances of the papers’ transfer to the Archives, and the papers themselves.Kaplan 1996, 290When Mrs. Milgram signed a gift agreement in October 1985, she agreed to permit access once the papers were arranged and cataloged, but she stipulated that all papers of a confidential nature be sealed for seventy-five years. Her gift agreement did not specify which papers were considered confidential; the archives staff, therefore, had to make this determination.Jackson and Thompson 2010, 676The center considered the Wyoming Abandoned Property Act as a possibleway to gain ownership of collections that lacked a gift agreement.Huggard and Jackson 2019, 527To the question, “Do you notify the donor after you have transferred acollection,” 46 respondents selected “Other” and wrote comments in the open-text field. Common remarks included . . . contacting the donor depends on ifdonor information exists or if the gift agreement stipulates that the donor becontacted (10 responses) . . .