Category: Law
- abandoned property law
- administratively controlled information
- admissibility
- agency record
- alienated record
- alienation
- anonymity
- Archaeological Resources Protection Act
- archival jurisdiction
- archival succession
- attestation
- authentic copy
- autograph
- Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- Buckley Amendment
- chain of custody
- chancery
- charter
- code
- collective work
- compilation
- compulsory rights
- concealment
- concurrent resolution
- confidential
- confidentiality
- contract
- copyfraud
- Copyleft
- copyright
- Creative Commons
- cultural property rights
- custody
- data protection
- deed
- deed of gift
- deposit
- deposit agreement
- deposition
- derivative work
- destruction suspension
- digest
- Digital Object Identifier
- digital rights management
- digital watermark
- disclosure-free extract
- docket
- donation
- donor agreement
- Eldred v. Ashcroft
- electronic signature
- emergency destruction
- estray
- evidence
- evidential value
- evidentiary value
- exhibit
- fair use
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- federal record
- Federal Records Act
- file
- files custodian
- first sale doctrine
- folio
- formula
- formulary
- Freedom of Information Act
- freeze
- frozen record
- General Public License
- gift
- gift agreement
- Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule
- HIPAA Privacy Rule
- hold order
- instrument of gift
- intangible property
- intellectual property
- interrogatory
- joint resolution
- joint work
- jurisdiction
- land grant
- legal control
- legal custody
- liability
- literary warrant
- literary works
- mandatory rights
- mechanical rights
- moral rights
- National Archives
- National Archives Act
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- open records law
- original
- orphan work
- Paperwork Reduction Act
- patent
- performance rights
- permission
- personally identifiable information
- phonorecord
- physical custody
- practical obscurity
- prepresidential papers
- presidential library
- presidential papers
- presidential record
- Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act
- Presidential Records Act
- President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992
- privacy
- Privacy Act of 1974
- privileged information
- probative record
- PROFS Case
- public domain
- publicity rights
- public record
- Records Disposal Act of 1943
- repatriation
- replevin
- restitution
- restriction
- right of inspection
- rights management
- rights statement
- sample
- Sarbanes–Oxley Act
- sensitive
- spoliation
- sunshine law
- suspension
- system of records
- title
- trademark
- transcript
- true copy
- unclaimed property law
- valid
- validation
- Visual Artists Rights Act
- will
- witness
- World Intellectual Property Organization
- writ
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