n.the process of accepting electronic content or metadata into an electronic repository or database Bell and Lewis 2006, 271The METS metadata includes identifiers for each of the files of the item itself so, during ingest of the METS, Fedora automatically downloads the content (the thesis) using these file identifiers.Cothey 2010, 213But archivists needed more support in respect of mediating the ingest or digital accessioning process, and as mentioned, limiting the ingest capability of Gaip to individual files having predetermined preservation formats was also too restrictive.Lavoie 2014, 12Ingest is the set of processes responsible for accepting information submitted by Producers and preparing it for inclusion in the archival store. Specific functions performed by Ingest includes receipt of information transferred to the OAIS by a Producer; validation that the information received is uncorrupted and complete; transformation of the submitted information into a form suitable for storage and management within the archival system; extraction and/or creation of descriptive metadata to support the OAIS’s search and retrieval tools and finding aids; and transfer of the submitted information and its associated metadata to the archival store. In short, the Ingest function serves as the OAIS’s external interface with Producers, managing the entire process of accepting custody of submitted information and preparing it for archival retention.the entity that accepts submission information packages (SIPs) in the reference model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)Tufts and Yale 2006, 5Ingest: The OAIS entity that provides the services and functions to accept Submission Information Packages (SIPs) from Producers (or from internal elements under Administration control) and prepare the contents for storage and management within the archive. Ingest functions include receiving SIPs, performing quality assurance on SIPs, generating an Archival Information Package (AIP) which complies with the Archive’s data formatting and documentation standards, extracting Descriptive Information from the AIPs for inclusion in the archive database, and coordinating updates to Archival Storage and Data Management.v.to accept electronic content or metadata into a repository or database Evans 2007, 397The model calls for each archival institution to manage the aggregation and delivery of the data collected. The system might ingest the contributions of the volunteers, replacing, perhaps, the minimum metadata, extended now to something more complete.DCC 2014aIngest: transfer digital objects to an archive, trusted digital repository, data centre or similar, again adhering to documented guidance, policies and legal requirements.