- c.
- CA
- ca.
- cabinet card
- cadastral map
- calcium carbonate reserve
- calendar
- call number
- call slip
- camera microfilm
- Camp Pitt
- can
- Canadian-United States Task Force on Archival Description
- Canadian Rules for Archival Description
- canonicalization
- caption
- capture
- captured archives
- carbon copy
- carbon ink
- card-mounted photographs
- card catalog
- card index
- carrier
- carte-de-visite
- cartographic record
- cartography
- cartouche
- cartridge
- cartulary
- Cascading Style Sheet
- cased photographs
- case file
- cash book
- cassette
- catablog
- catalog
- cataloging
- catalog record
- catalogue raisonné
- cc
- CD
- Cedars Project
- cel
- celluloid
- cellulose
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose diacetate
- cellulose nitrate
- cellulose triacetate
- census
- centralized files
- central record
- central registry
- certificate
- certificate authority
- certification
- certified archivist
- certified copy
- certified records manager
- certify
- chain index
- chain of custody
- chalking
- chancery
- changeover cue
- channel
- channeling
- character
- character set
- chargeout
- chart
- charter
- chartulary
- checklist
- checksum
- chemical wood pulp
- chief source of information
- chip
- chirograph
- chlorobromide photograph
- choropleth map
- chron file
- chronological date
- chronological file
- chronological inventory
- chronology
- church register
- cinching
- cinefilm
- cinematography
- ciné mode
- cipher
- circa
- circular letter
- circulation record
- Cirkut panorama
- citizen archivist
- civil register
- clamshell case
- class
- class code
- classification
- classification scheme
- classified
- classified filing
- classified index
- clean computer
- cleaning
- clearance
- clip
- clipping
- close-up
- closed
- closed captioning
- closed file
- closed index
- cockling
- code
- codebook
- coded classification
- Code of Ethics for Archivists
- codex
- codicil
- codicology
- cold storage
- collage
- collecting archives
- collecting policy
- collecting repository
- collection
- collection development
- collection development policy
- collection management
- collection policy
- collective control
- collective description
- collective memory
- collective record group
- collective title
- collective work
- collector
- collodio-chloride photograph
- collodion photographs
- collotype
- colon classification
- color
- color balance
- color bars
- color correction
- color management
- combination printing
- comic mode
- Comité international pour la documentation du Conseil international des musées
- commercial value
- commonplace book
- common records schedule
- community archives
- Compact Cassette
- compact disc
- compact shelving
- compartment
- compass rose
- compatibility
- compilation
- compiler
- complex entry
- complimentary clause
- component object model
- composite
- compound document
- comprehensive records schedule
- compression
- compulsory rights
- computer
- computer-aided design
- computer-aided retrieval
- computer-based indexing
- computer input microfilm
- computer output microfilm
- computer program
- computer system
- concealment
- concept indexing
- concordance
- concurrent resolution
- conditioning
- conditions governing access
- Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists
- confidential
- confidentiality
- configuration
- Conférence internationale de la Table Ronde des Archives
- congressional papers
- conservation
- conservation laboratory
- conservator
- Consortium for the Computer Interchange of Museum Information
- constituent correspondence
- construction drawing
- consumer
- contact copy
- contact paper
- contact print
- contact sheet
- container
- container list
- contamination
- content
- content analysis
- content date
- content management
- contents note
- content standard
- context
- context analysis
- context control
- contingency plan
- contingent record
- continuation
- continuing value
- continuity
- continuity file
- continuous-tone image
- continuum
- contract
- contrast
- contributor
- control character
- controlled vocabulary
- convenience file
- convention
- conventional record
- conversion
- conversion list
- coordinate indexing system
- copy
- Copyflo
- copyfraud
- Copyleft
- copy of record
- copypress book
- copyright
- copy status
- core
- corporate archives
- corporate archivist
- corporate body
- corporate memory
- corporate record
- corporate report
- correspondence
- correspondence management
- CoSA
- Council of State Archivists
- Council of State Historical Records Coordinators
- Council on Library and Information Resources
- count
- counterseal
- cover
- coverage date
- cradle
- crawler
- crayon enlargement
- crazing
- crease
- creating office
- Creative Commons
- creator
- crescent
- critical apparatus
- critical bibliography
- critical edition
- crosswalk
- crowdsourcing
- crutch file
- cubic foot
- cue mark
- culling
- cultural heritage
- cultural patrimony
- cultural property rights
- cumulative index
- curator
- current record
- cursive
- custodial
- custodial history
- custodian
- custody
- cutoff
- cutting
- cyanotype
- cylinder
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