- pack
- packet
- page
- pagination
- Paige Box
- paleography
- palimpsest
- pamphlet
- pamphlet box
- pancake
- panchromatic
- panorama
- Panorama reader
- paper
- papers
- paper tape
- paperwork management
- Paperwork Reduction Act
- papyrus
- parallel title
- parchment
- parish register
- Paris Principles
- password
- pasteup
- patent
- patron
- peeling
- pending file
- perforation
- performance rights
- permanence
- Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives
- permanent paper
- permanent record
- permanent value
- permanent withdrawal
- permission
- permuted index
- persistent format
- persistent object preservation
- persistent uniform resource locator
- persistent URL
- personal archive
- personal computer
- personal digital archiving
- personal file
- personally identifiable information
- personal name
- personal papers
- pertinence
- petition
- pH
- phase box
- phased conservation
- phased preservation
- Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
- phonetic index
- phonodisc
- phonograph
- phonograph record
- phonorecord
- phonotape
- Photo CD
- photocopy
- photograph
- Photographic Activity Test
- photographic archives
- photographic print
- photomechanical
- photomicrography
- photomontage
- Photostat
- physical control
- physical custody
- physical form
- physical record
- picture
- picture postcard
- picture show
- piece count
- pigeonhole
- pigment print
- Pittsburgh Project
- pixel
- pixel depth
- pixilation
- pixmap
- placard
- plan
- planetary camera
- plat
- plate
- platter
- polarity
- political papers
- polyester
- polyethylene
- polypropylene
- polyvinyl acetate
- polyvinyl chloride
- Portable Document Format
- portal
- portfolio
- portrait
- positive
- post
- postcard
- postcombination indexing
- postcoordinate indexing
- postcustodial
- postcustodialism
- poster
- posting up
- powdering
- practical obscurity
- preamble
- precoordinate indexing
- predominant dates
- preliminary inventory
- prepresidential papers
- preprint
- prescribed source
- preservation
- preservation copy
- Preservation Environment Monitor
- preservation index
- preservation laboratory
- preservation management
- preservation metadata
- preservation methods and techniques
- preservation microfilm
- Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records
- preservation photocopy
- preservation repository
- preservation transfer copy
- preserver
- presidential library
- presidential papers
- presidential record
- Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act
- Presidential Records Act
- President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992
- press copy
- pressing
- preventive care
- preventive conservation
- primary source
- primary source literacy
- primary use
- primary value
- Princeton file
- principal copy
- principle of provenance
- printed archives
- printed record
- printer
- print film
- printing
- printing-out paper
- printing dupe
- printout
- privacy
- Privacy Act of 1974
- private key
- private papers
- privileged information
- probability sample
- probative record
- procedure
- process control
- processed
- processed document
- processing
- producer
- production date
- profile
- PROFS Case
- program
- programming language
- program record
- project file
- projection
- Project STAND
- proof print
- protection master
- protocol
- Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
- protocol register
- Protocols for Native American Archival Materials
- provenance
- provenance access
- Provenienzprinzip
- psychrometer
- public
- publication
- public domain
- public history
- publicity rights
- public key
- public key infrastructure
- public record
- public use file
- pulp
- pulping
- pulpit ladder
- punched card
- punched paper tape
- purging
- purposive sample
- purposive sampling
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