Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries
n. (abbr. PACSCL)PACK-skəlan association of rare book and manuscript libraries and archives in the Greater Philadelphia area which collect, care for, and share collectionsNipps 1995, 427In 1989, the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) bravely decided to go where no librarian had gone before: it set out to rationalize and organize the collecting and retention of the auction and dealer catalogues in member libraries, and in the process identify holdings so that a union catalogue could be created.PMA and PACSCL 2001Hidden in the collections of Philadelphia libraries is an unexpected treasure -- a rich trove of more than 7,000 medieval and Renaissance miniature paintings showing religious scenes, classical tales, historical events, and medieval romances. Many have never been on public display, or even studied by scholars. ¶ The Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries, in collaboration with the Philadelphia Museum of Art and other exhibition partners, surveyed the holdings in area libraries and museums. More than 80 of the choicest objects were exhibited at the Philadelphia Museum of Art March 10 - May 13, 2001 and at the Frist Gallery for the Visual Arts (Nashville TN) from September 27, 2001 - January 6, 2002.Cox and Onuf 2003The consortial EAD implementation project undertaken by the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL) exemplifies the most familiar face of digital development. It has produced results that all can agree are beneficial, including increased use, increased visibility, and an increased sophistication in searching and manipulating finding aids. Here, my aim is not to provide a detailed blow by blow account of the PACSCL project, but simply to highlight some of its most salient aspects in order to investigate sources of digital anxiety and places where I believe it is misplaced.PACSCL 2021PACSCL (short for the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries, and pronounced PACK-skəl) is a consortium of forty rare book and manuscript libraries and archives in the Greater Philadelphia area. PACSCL member libraries collect, care for, and share with a worldwide audience collections that, in their depth and variety, comprise an internationally important body of unique materials for students, scholars and lifelong learners at any level.