- maceration
- machine-readable
- machine-readable record
- machine dependent
- machine independent
- machine indexing
- macroappraisal
- macro data
- macroenvironment
- magazine
- magic lantern
- magnetic disk
- magnetic media
- magnetic tape
- magnetic wire recording
- magneto-optical media
- magnification
- main entry
- mainframe computer
- management information system
- mandatory rights
- manifest
- Manual of Archival Description
- manuscript
- manuscript box
- manuscript collection
- manuscript curator
- manuscript group
- manuscript repository
- map
- MARC AMC format
- MARC Format for Archival and Manuscripts Control
- marginalia
- marking
- markup
- mass deacidification
- master
- master file
- master negative
- Master Record of Manuscript Collections
- mat
- material
- matrix
- matte
- MayDay
- MD5
- measles
- measured drawing
- mechanical rights
- mechanical wood pulp
- media
- media migration
- media refreshment
- medium
- Melinex
- memex
- memorandum
- memorandum book
- memorial
- memorial record
- memory
- memory worker
- mend
- message digest
- message handling system
- metadata
- Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard
- Metadata Object Description Schema
- methylene-blue test
- mezzotint
- micro-opaque
- microcard
- microclimate
- microcomputer
- microcopy
- microenvironment
- microfiche
- microfilm
- microfilm camera
- microfilming
- microfilm inspection
- microfilm jacket
- microfilm reader
- microfilm strip
- microform
- microform publication
- microform reader
- micrographics
- microimage
- microphotography
- microprint
- microspatula
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference
- middle digit filing
- middle gray
- middleware
- Midwest Archives Conference
- migrated archives
- migration
- mildew
- mimeograph
- minicomputer
- ministerial papers
- Minnesota Method
- mirroring
- miscellaneous documents
- mitigation
- mnemonic filing system
- mobile shelving
- mockup
- model
- model shot
- mold
- monetary appraisal
- monetary value
- monochrome
- monograph
- monophonic
- montage
- moral rights
- More Product, Less Process
- MoReq
- mosaic panorama
- mother
- motion
- motion picture
- mount
- movie
- movie still
- moving image
- moving picture
- ms
- mss
- multilevel description
- multiple exposure
- Multipurpose Internet Messaging Extensions
- multisensory documents
- municipal record
- muniment
- muster roll
- Mylar
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