Category: Photography
- acetate
- acutance
- aerial photograph
- Albertype
- album
- albumen photograph
- ambrotype
- ammonium thiosulfate
- archival processing
- Bertillon card
- black-and-white photograph
- black and white
- blow-up
- blur
- bronzing
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose diacetate
- cellulose nitrate
- cellulose triacetate
- chlorobromide photograph
- Cirkut panorama
- close-up
- collodio-chloride photograph
- collodion photographs
- color
- color balance
- color correction
- color management
- combination printing
- composite
- contact copy
- contact paper
- contact print
- contact sheet
- contrast
- crayon enlargement
- crescent
- cyanotype
- daguerreotype
- densitometer
- density
- dry silver process
- dye transfer process
- electrophotography
- emulsion
- energiatype
- existing light
- ferrotype
- ferrotyping
- film
- filmography
- filmstrip
- fixer
- focus
- fog
- format
- frame
- frame enlargement
- gum print
- highlight
- Image Permanence Institute
- ISO 18916
- lantern slide
- magic lantern
- model shot
- monochrome
- montage
- movie still
- negative
- nitrate
- nitrocellulose
- notch code
- oblique aerial
- oblique light
- oblique view
- orthochromatic
- overexposure
- panchromatic
- panorama
- photograph
- Photographic Activity Test
- photographic archives
- photographic print
- photomechanical
- photomicrography
- photomontage
- picture
- picture postcard
- pigment print
- pixel
- pixel depth
- pixilation
- plate
- polarity
- portrait
- positive
- preserver
- printing-out paper
- processed
- processing
- proof print
- raking light
- RC paper
- redox
- registration
- repeat photography
- rephotography
- resin-coated paper
- resolution
- reticulation
- retouching
- reversal film
- roll film
- Sabattier effect
- safety film
- separation
- shadow
- sharpness
- sheet film
- silver gelatin photograph
- silver halide
- silver mirroring
- slide
- snapshot
- soft focus
- solarization
- step wedge
- stereograph
- stereo photography
- stereopticon
- stereoscopic photography
- still picture
- stop-motion photography
- subbing
- Tagged Image File Format
- tarnish
- telephotography
- tintype
- tonal range
- transparency
- triacetate
- underexposure
- unprocessed
- Vandyke process
- vertical aerial
- vertical mode
- vinegar syndrome
- vintage print
- visual materials
- wet collodion
- wet plate negative
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