adj.of an archival resource, not prepared for useBordin 1964, 81The scholar searching for only a supplementary letter or two in a collection, however, needs unusual persistence to wade through foot after foot of an unprocessed collection looking for a gem that may give him insight but is not necessarily central to his subject.McCrea 2006, 285After my first year at the archives, I no longer felt “I’m new” was an appropriate response to researchers, or to donors and potential donors, who asked about unprocessed holdings. I needed an effective way to make the backlog accessible to researchers and to me.Schmidt 2011a, 9Unprocessed collections: These collections contain materials that the archival staff has received—but has not yet examined, identified, and organized for researchers to use.Santamaria 2015, 6Unprocessed and under-described collection materials cause a number of problems for archives and special collections libraries. Although many of these issues will be obvious to experienced archivists, given the continued existence of backlogs it is useful to examine why backlogs are harmful to both archival repositories and their users.of photographic film, having the latent image not yet made visibleAvedon and DeVilliers 1979, 101All microforms, both processed and unprocessed, should meet minimum requirements with respect to hazards from fire. In order to be classified as Safety Photographic Film, a photographic film must (1) be difficult to ignite, (2) be slow burning, and (3) evolve a limited amount of toxic oxides of nitrogen during the decomposition. The detailed requirements for Safety Photographic Film are covered in American National Standard PHl.25.