Category: Record Types
- account
- account book
- active record
- administrative record
- annex
- annual report
- appendix
- application
- architectural drawing
- architectural record
- architectural rendering
- architectural reproductions
- ars dictaminis
- articles of incorporation
- artifact
- as-built drawing
- associated record
- attachment
- bastardy bond
- Bertillon card
- bill file
- blueprint
- bond
- brief
- business record
- cadastral map
- carte-de-visite
- cartographic record
- cartulary
- cash book
- census
- chartulary
- church register
- circular letter
- circulation record
- civil register
- codicil
- collotype
- concurrent resolution
- congressional papers
- constituent correspondence
- construction drawing
- contact paper
- continuous-tone image
- convenience file
- copypress book
- corporate record
- corporate report
- correspondence
- counterseal
- cover
- critical edition
- crutch file
- current record
- cutting
- cyanotype
- data object
- daybook
- deed
- deposition
- design drawing
- diary
- dictamen
- digital asset
- digital object
- directive
- disposable record
- dispositive record
- docket
- document
- document type
- dummy
- duplicate
- duplicate original
- dynamic website
- emergency-operating record
- engineering drawing
- engineering record
- ephemera
- essential record
- estray record
- excerpt
- extract
- facilitative record
- faculty papers
- fair copy
- family papers
- ferrotype
- folder
- follow-up file
- form
- formatted document
- gelatin print
- gelatin silver photograph
- general correspondence file
- geographic information system
- globe
- government document
- graphic record
- gum print
- Hollerith card
- housekeeping record
- iconographic archives
- IM
- inactive record
- indenture
- indictment
- information object
- information package
- injunction
- instant messaging
- institutional record
- instrument
- joint resolution
- journal
- journal of notarial acts
- judgment
- labor record
- ledger
- letter
- letterpress book
- letterpress copybook
- letterpress copying book
- literary papers
- local record
- magazine
- manifest
- manuscript
- map
- measured drawing
- memorandum
- memorial
- memorial record
- ministerial papers
- miscellaneous documents
- mockup
- model
- motion
- movie still
- ms
- mss
- municipal record
- muniment
- muster roll
- narrative record
- news clipping
- nonbook materials
- noncurrent record
- nonofficial papers
- nonprint materials
- notarial archives
- notarial record
- oblique aerial
- oblique view
- office file
- official files
- official papers
- official record
- offprint
- operating record
- operational record
- oral history
- order
- ordinance
- organizational record
- original entry
- overlay
- paper
- papers
- parish register
- pasteup
- patent
- pending file
- personal archive
- personal file
- personal papers
- petition
- photocopy
- pigment print
- plan
- plat
- political papers
- presidential record
- press copy
- printing dupe
- private papers
- probative record
- processed document
- profile
- program
- program record
- project file
- projection
- protocol
- protocol register
- publication
- public record
- pulp
- record
- register
- report
- reprint
- resolution
- rights-and-interests record
- roll
- scrapbook
- screenplay
- script
- semiactive record
- semicurrent record
- shop book
- simple resolution
- stamp
- subject file
- substantive record
- supporting record
- survey
- suspense file
- tab
- technical drawing
- telegram
- temporary record
- tickler file
- trade union record
- transactional file
- transcript
- transitory record
- transmission
- trim
- true copy
- U-matic
- union record
- vital record
- vital statistics
- voucher
- waste book
- website
- will
- working files
- writ
- zine
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