n.a record created or received by an organization in the course of its activitiesSchmidt and Wilson 1968, 250The operational records, however, present certain problems, for some of them may have permanent value; others certainly will not. They may be defined as records dealing with students, professors, and curriculum and/or documenting problems and procedures, and they may exist in practically all administrative units from the president’s office down.Leventhal et al. 2021, 331Maintenance staff, engineers, and architects typically use operational records while researching upcoming construction projects. In addition, other departments, such as safety, security, sustainability, and legal counsel, may use these records to assist in their job duties. Public affairs or archival professionals may also use these resources in exhibits.Jaillant 2022, 537On June 19, 1934, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed legislation creating the National Archives. Roosevelt believed that the archives should hold not only materials of lasting historical value, such as the Declaration of Independence, but also the operational records of the federal government.a record created or received by a military unit in the course of its activitiesBrower 1963, 206Probably the only use to which the seized records were put after the war was in connection with the War Department’s preparation of an account, based on both enemy and Allied source materials as well as American, of U. S. military operations in the war. For this purpose, however, the seized records in AEF custody were so scanty in volume and coverage that they had to be supplemented by obtaining from the Reichsarchiv of Germany (the newly created depository in Berlin of German military archives) copies of German military operational records.Merrill 1969, 264The Naval History Division also controls more than 3.5 million items consisting chiefly of operational plans, war diaries, action reports, and other operational records of the United States Navy during and following World War II, including the Korean conflict.Soyka and Wilczek 2014, 186–187Operational records provide the basis for unit histories, which are an important component of troop morale and establishing esprit de corps. For service members and veterans, operational records provide evidence for commendations and citations and are critical for protecting veterans’ rights to heath care and other benefits.Hinton 2022, 512–513NARA does not typically collect personal military records. Instead, its domain is preserving unit operational records and administrative records, including official military personnel files (records detailing information such as a soldier’s duty stations and assignments, awards they have received, and any disciplinary actions taken against them) and the DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, which a soldier receives upon leaving the military and which details information such as duty assignment, rank, and military occupation specialty at the time of their departure from service.