Category: Physical Control
- accession
- accession list
- accession log
- accession record
- accession register
- administrative control
- archives box
- arrangement
- back-to-back shelving
- backlog
- backlogged
- Bankers Box
- barcode
- bay
- bayonet file
- box file
- bracket
- call number
- can
- clamshell case
- cold storage
- collective control
- compact shelving
- compartment
- computer
- conditioning
- container
- core
- cubic foot
- digital library
- document box
- document case
- document management
- double shelving
- enclosure
- envelope
- extended-term storage
- Fedora
- fiche
- file cabinet
- flat file
- flat filing
- Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture
- flip-top box
- floor-space ratio
- folder
- hierarchical storage management
- holding area
- holdings maintenance
- Hollinger box
- honeycombing
- horizontal filing
- hub
- Hydra
- ISO 5466
- IT9.11
- IT9.25
- lateral file
- linear foot
- location index
- manuscript box
- mobile shelving
- nearline storage
- off-site storage
- offline storage
- online storage
- open shelf filing
- oversize
- Paige Box
- pamphlet box
- physical control
- pigeonhole
- portfolio
- Princeton file
- process control
- pulpit ladder
- range
- reciprocating file
- records center box
- reference code
- refolder
- rehouse
- rehousing
- remote storage
- repository
- retirement
- retrieval
- row
- run
- screening
- seal
- section
- security microfilming
- segregation
- separation
- separation sheet
- shelf
- shelf list
- shelving
- skippet
- slipcase
- Solander box
- spacer board
- special record
- stacks
- staging area
- transfer file
- tub file
- union case
- upright
- vault
- vertical file
- volume
- Woodruff file
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