n.techniques to store files directly on shelves without the need for boxesARMA 1962Filing methods (p. 8-9 and 48-56), including files arrangement methods; centralized, decentralized, and centralized-decentralized files location plans; alphabetical and numerical arrangement schemes and combinations and variations (straight, subject-geographic, terminal digit, chronological, phonetic); and files equipment (file drawers, open shelf filing, mechanized files equipment).Gersack 1962, 386The Denver Interagency Records Administration Conference held an open house at the Federal Records Center on March 28 to display the old and new parts of the center, the open-shelf filing, the flat-filed maps and drawings, and the new loud-speaker paging system.Mims 1996, 80Open shelf filing ¶The advantages of open-shelf filing over vertical shelving, are: Retrieval may be 40 percent faster and refiling approximately 50 percent faster. Errors are reduced, primarily due to color coding. The cost is lower: up-front pay-out may be only a quarter as much as first class drawer files. Doors, locks, and pull-out drawers are moving parts that may all be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Maintenance is inconsequential.AHIMA 2014Open shelf filing: Open shelf filing is a common filing ast method for health records in various practice settings in health care. Open shelf filing allows for easy access to files. The file folders used with open shelf filing must have side tabs for viewing demographic information for identification. If medical record files are retained in the health information office that is not shared with other staff or in a separate locked file room, open shelf filing without lockable doors is acceptable.
Open shelf filing units have closed ends and dividers on the shelves to support the files. Open shelf filing units are distinguished from file cabinets, which store the files in closed drawers. Open shelf filing units are distinguished from warehouse shelving, which is designed to store records in boxes.