n.the growth in volume of archival resources within a repositoryLeland 1941a, 5In the early 1920’s, with the aid of Dr. Newton D. Mereness and others, I made a survey of certain sections of the archives of the federal government, and reached the conclusion that their accretion during the two war years had about equalled in bulk the total accumulation from 1789 to 1917.Nuermberger 1941, 250These six collections totalled almost seventeen thousand pieces and together with earlier accumulations brought the total body of material to something like twenty-five or thirty thousand items.Holmes 1964, 31There will also be cases where no discernible pattern seems to exist for certain groupings of documents although a subject or transaction relationship is obvious. Often one really has just an accumulation or aggregation of documents relating to some matter because, apparently, the agency did not take the time to rationalize their arrangement. These accumulations can hardly be called “series” in the strict sense of the word, but arbitrarily we treat them as such—just as we are somewhat arbitrary about what constitutes a record group.ISAD(G) 2000, 11Series. Documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because they result from the same accumulation or filing process, or the same activity; have a particular form; or because of some other relationship arising out of their creation, receipt, or use.DACS 2004, 202Accumulation The naturally occurring process by which archives are created in the conduct of affairs of any kind.Poole 2017, 319In his new post, Pinkett supervised fifteen professionals. His branch provided reference and descriptive services for sixty-five record groups comprising 200,000 cubic feet of materials, one of the largest accumulations of records at the archives.DACS 2019, 6Typical multilevel descriptions begin with large accumulations commonly referred to by archivists as collections, record groups, fonds, or record series.Sweetser and Orchard 2019, 332Archival collections represent unique accumulations of material; generally speaking, each exists as a single instance and no collection at any other repository can be described in exactly the same manner.