n.the growth in volume of archival resources within a repositoryHorn 1954, 224Thus, as yet no inventory has been taken of the volume of present holdings of all permanently valuable records of all organizational elements of the General Conference, nor has any accurate estimate yet been made of the current and projected annual rate of accrual of such records.Verhoeven 1966, 124A recent estimate has shown that the yearly accrual of public records and publications in Malaysia might soon reach one linear mile. The Centre has a capacity of nearly four linear miles, so it can at an early date take the necessary measures to cope with this accrual which otherwise might before long assume the proportions of a (paper) flood, taking many years to master.Plavchan 1979, 226Based on current estimates, Kew’s records storage capacity can accommodate the accrual of records for the next fifteen years. This estimate is based on the average records accrual rate of one mile per year.Alexander-Gooding and Black 2005, 64The UWI archivist felt that the university’s first thrust should be within the area of records management in order to set the stage for the accrual of records of enduring value.Bergstrom 2007, 11In the Medical School’s case, it was the incidental accrual of antiquated medical materials that prodded systematic preservation and new purposes.an acquisition added to an existing series or collectionCook 1990, 133Second, archivists are asked to make decisions on four points before commencing work on description: the arrangement of the archives and the use of classification schemes; the levels of arrangement and description to be used; the depth of description; and the possibility of providing for accruals of new material to existing series.Hackbart-Dean and Morris 2003, 117It makes little difference whether the accruals to a collection are shelved with the original collection as long as archives staff know where to go to retrieve the materials for patrons.Rush et al. 2008, 219Also, information about additions could prove confusing to users who had to wade through descriptions of numerous accruals.Danielson 2010, 48Accretion, accrual and increment usually refer to additions to existing collections.Coyner and Pringle 2014, 464Clearly, ideas of how to define particular terms varied, for example, different interpretations of what constitutes a “collection” (sometimes each accrual was entered as a collection), or what “processed” means.DACS 2019, 65An accrual is an acquisition of archival materials additional to that already in the custody of the repository.Sweetser and Orchard 2019, 351While institutions commonly update finding aids due to accruals and deaccessions, it is less common to update bibliographic records.