n. (abbr. AMIA)a nonprofit association that supports professionals working in the field of moving image media preservationUS House Judiciary 1996, 64AMIA is a professional association established in 1991 to provide a means for cooperation among individuals concerned with preservation and use of moving image materials. It currently represents nearly 250 professional archivists working at more than 100 institutions in both the public and private sectors.Bergeron 2001, 200AMIA, formed in 1991, now has 768 members including individuals and institutions covering a broad range of interests, from one-person archives to the major American television networks and motion picture studios. Most members are from American institutions, but there is a growing number from other countries.AMIA 2025The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is a nonprofit international association dedicated to the preservation and use of moving image media. AMIA supports public and professional education and fosters cooperation and communication among the individuals and organizations concerned with the acquisition, preservation, description, exhibition, and use of moving image materials.
The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) was established in 1991. It produces the publication The Moving Image.