archival silence

n. a gap in the historical record resulting from the unintentional or purposeful absence or distortion of documentation


The concept of archival silence has overlaps with allied fields that include digital humanities and history. Further, many who have written about it have pointed to Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s influence in developing the idea in his book, Silencing the Past: Power and Production of History (Boston: Beacon Press, 1995). While he did not use the exact term, the themes are visible in the following selections: “Silences enter the process of historical production at four crucial moments: the moment of fact creation (the making of sources); the moment of fact assembly (the making of archives); the moment of fact retrieval (the making of narratives); and the moment of introspective significance (the making of history in the final instance). . . . Rather, they help us understand why not all silences are equal and why they cannot be addressed—or redressed—in the same manner. To put it differently, any historical narrative is a particular bundle of silences, the result of a unique process, and the operation required to deconstruct these silences will vary accordingly” (pages 26–27). “Thus the presences and absences embodied in sources (artifacts and bodies that turn an event into fact) or archives (facts collected, thematized, and processed as documents and monuments) are neither neutral or natural. They are created. As such, they are not mere presences and absences, but mentions or silences of various kinds and degrees. By silence, I mean an active and transitive process: one ‘silences’ a fact or an individual as a silencer silences a gun. One engages in the practice of silencing. Mentions and silences are thus active, dialectical counterparts of which history is the synthesis” (page 48).