American Archives Month

n. a month dedicated to celebrating and promoting archives and archival collections


American Archives Month refers to a specific month of activity in the United States. In 1999, the Society of American Archivists (SAA) declared October as the official American Archives Month. Beginning in 1979, Archives Week/Month saw steady growth at the grassroots level, supported by energetic and creative members of regional, state, and local archives associations; state historical records advisory boards; and repositories working individually and collectively. In 2002, the Council of State Archivists started its online directory of Archives Week/Month activities and resources, including a poster gallery. By 2005, Archives Week/Month was being celebrated in a variety of ways in no fewer than thirty-five states. SAA launched American Archives Month in October 2006 as an annual nationwide celebration that could be adapted by any group to suit its needs and resources, but that could also stand as a unified effort to promote archives and the work of archivists. In support of American Archives Month, SAA publishes practical tips and tools that members use to educate their communities about the power of archives. In 2014, in conjunction with American Archives Month, #AskAnArchivist Day was introduced to provide an opportunity via Twitter for archivists to talk directly to the public about what they do, why it’s important, and the interesting records with which they work.