n.a keyword or descriptor used to identify or characterize content, context, or physical aspects of a record, photograph, digital object, or social media postCampbell 1967, 281Some people object to machine indexing because it depends on the selection of subject tags or keywords to describe items rathe rthan having the scholar either scan each item to find what he wants or else formulate a search request in his own words without resort to a formalized dictionary.Bushey 2008, 137The schema is divided into elements that are represented by machine-readable labels assigned to define data (i.e., tags) that are used as shooting notation for photographers (e.g., date and time, image configuration, and conditions for picture taking.)Theimer 2010, 12A “tag” is a descriptive word or phrase applied to a piece of digital information, such as a Web page, blog post, or digital image, video, audio, or other electronic file. Tags are applied by creators and users of digital content and are used to help people find materials they are interested in.Benoit 2017, 408Reaching out to the same users for assistance and asking them to help supplement minimally processed digital archives’ metadata through creation of tags could address this issue. Social tagging without some measure of control could, however, generate too many useless terms, thereby hindering access rather than increasing it.NARA 2022bSince adding tags enhances the National Archives Catalog search capabilities, we find that the best tags are the ones that add new information to a record that isn’t already available. If you can find the word in the record’s title or scope and content note, add it as a tag—but don’t stop there! You can further improve access to that record if you identify an object, person or action in a record that is not already in the description.a string of characters used to identify a data element of an encoding standardMorton 1986, 24In the MARC records, the content designators are called tags, indicators, and subfield codes.Lacy and Mitchell 1997, 421Staff learned to use the EAD DTD by experimenting with various approaches to tagging and learned that encoding can progress rapidly once finding aid creators are familiar with the tags and structure of EAD.Dow et al. 2001, 296In an effort to provide a data format that will remain useable regardless of the hardware or software employed, electronic publishers on the Web have turned to the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), or a modified version of the SGML standard called the Extensible Markup Language (XML). SGML defines the rules for creating text markup through sets of tags, but does not dictate which tags the sets should contain. Different types of document types require different tag sets, so a tag set defined for a particular type of document is referred to as a “document type definition” or DTD. . . . Each tag may also contain one or more modifiers, called an attribute. Using attributes, the publisher can particularize the content of a tag.Combs et al. 2010, 15EAD can intimidate even tech-savvy staff, given the number of tags and the seemingly endless variety of ways they can be implemented, but not all elements are required.Hackbart-Dean and Slomba 2012, 76Online finding aids provide an alternative access tool through tags and tag clouds. . . . A tag cloud visually represents the tags given to the content, with tags displayed in fonts of different sizes or colors to represent relative importance.Wisser and Dean 2013, 554Nine finding aids contained <dsc> sections that did not include <c> elements. These typically consist of a note in a <p> tag that carries information about the collection being unprocessed. No finding aids included both numbered and unnumbere <c> tags.a label containing identifying information that is attached, with a string or adhesive, to an artifact, manuscript, or housingRieger 1962, 418Write in chalk or crayon directly on the containers, attach tags, or use whatever method will serve best.