n.Appraisalthe continuing usefulness of records to support research into a person’s or family’s ancestryJosephson 1947, 147Generally, the names of the signers may have little current utility but they may have historic or genealogical value at some future date (e.g., the signers of the Declarations of Independence).Rubincam 1949, 337Other states are following the example of Connecticut in assembling documents of genealogical value.Colket 1951, 143–144As for original sources, considerable time was devoted to the principal series of records in national, State, and county archives and a comparative study was made of the genealogical values of similar series of records in various collections of colonial records.Evans 1964, 278To provide the necessary space, some of the material of private origin and of chiefly genealogical value was transferred to the Genealogical Division of the State Library, and shortly after 1948 the task of removing the mounted documents from their chronologically arranged volumes was begun.Levstik 1979, 2A Local Government Records Manual has been prepared as part of the county phase of the program (a how-to-do-it book on establishing a records program), as have a County Records Manual (a records retention guide) and an Abstract of County Records Inventory 1803–1977 (a listing of 8,300 records series of historical and genealogical value in Ohio counties).Weir 1980, 249The Ohio Historical Society recently started a cooperative venture with the Genealogical Society of Utah for the microfilming of selected Ohio county records of historical and genealogical value, and was also recently named by the Olsten Corporation as a recipient of an honorable mention award for achievement in records management.Swanson 2002, 121–122The National Archives deserves high praise for the publication of this much expanded and greatly needed guide to records of genealogical value in its holdings.