
n. all actions relating to the selection and care of records of enduring value the storage and preservation of records of enduring value Computingthe offline storage of data from an information system when that data is no longer required for active use


Some archivists avoid the use of the term archiving, possibly in the belief that the word is one that was used first by computer scientists and that is currently used in an archives sense only by an uninformed public. However, archivists were likely the first to use the term, and that use began no later than the 1940s, though use of the term increased dramatically in the 1990s, based probably on the popularity of the term in the information technology field. The term is used in archivy in two different senses: one encompassing all of the work of an archives that is focused on records, and the other focused merely on the storage and preservation of those records, that latter use again likely influenced by the computing use of the term.