n. (also archival materials)records in any format retained for their continuing value—also, in early use, as distinguished from manuscriptsKellar 1939, 30Mr. Adams after noting the fact that many important documents originally in archival establishments are now preserved in other institutions, such as libraries and historical societies, said he wished to discuss four types of records not contained in archives. These included archival material which has vanished, archival material which has never come to archival establishments, archival material which has been separated from official custody; and the status before the law of archival estrays.Buck 1947, 17Because of the uniqueness of archival material no one country can possess more than a small part of the total archival heritage of mankind—usually the relatively small part that it has itself created.Berner 1964, 409With respect to the standards that should be set, it should be stressed that the differences between manuscript collections and archives are not nearly so important as the elements that manuscripts and archival materials have in common.Hyam 1979, 204Four categories of archival material are being identified: manuscripts, photographs, maps, and other material.Association of Canadian Archivists 1985, 127The task of archivists is to acquire, preserve, and make available archival materials to the public.Duranti 1993, 48It would seem that everything which could be characteristically associated with the idea of description has been addressed by one or the other of the above definitions, namely, (I) a process of analysis, identification and organization; (2) purposes of control, retrieval and access; and (3) a final product which illustrates archival material, its provenancial and documentary context, its interrelationships and the ways it can be identified and used.Zhang 2012, 174Onsite interviews collected oral and observational evidence from archival or digital curation professionals regarding their experiences and reflections responding to the research questions in this study—their conscious or subconscious efforts to make use of original structure of records in the organization and representation of digital archival materials.Santamaria 2013, 149The creators of archival material frequently possess expert subject knowledge that accessioning and processing archivists lack.Gilliland 2014a, 57In trying to organize the profession, American historians looked to Europe, not only for materials relevant to the history of the United States, but also for conceptual definitions and ideas about best practices for applying a scientific approach to the management of archival materials at home.Duff and Haskell 2015, 44Archives have traditionally been places of scholarship and serious study for researchers, but social media, crowdsourcing, and applications of game elements can challenge traditional ways of thinking about archival materials.