n.competence in or knowledge of archival terminology, organization, and reference toolsYakel and Torres 2003, 78Instruction in formulating search strategies to reduce ambiguity and developing tactics for navigating analog and digital access tools is also a critical element in archival literacy.Duff and Cherry 2008, 501We were particularly interested in developing tools to investigate the impact of archival orientation sessions because helping university students develop archival literacy is an essential role for university archivists.Bain et al. 2011, 32Greater archival literacy will make researchers more productive archives users, and it will have many other benefits as well. Understanding archival concepts and practices builds additional critical thinking skills that are vital in our knowledge economy.Morris, Mykytiuk, and Weiner 2014, 397We refer to archival literacy as the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to effectively and efficiently find, interpret, and use archives, manuscripts, and other types of unique, unpublished primary sources.Weiner, Morris, and Mykytiuk 2015, 155Archival literacy can be considered a contextual application of information literacy (the ability to recognize a need for information; identify the sources needed to address a given problem or issue; find, evaluate, and organize the needed information; and use the information effectively to address the problem or issue at hand).