n.activities related to appraisal, exhibition, and overall access that ensure the archival institution holding the records honors the expectations of the creatorsJones 2015, 17The Protocols issue a call for archivists to improve their methods of archival curation, to ask those unfamiliar with Native American history and the history of colonialism in America to learn more about the realities of American history, as well as a call for tribal and non-tribal archives to open a constructive dialog.Bennett et al. 2021, 75Thus, while (analogue and digital) opportunities have and are increasing for Holocaust researchers, one of the main challenges is to retain an overview. EHRI’s aim is to provide a map for the explorer. Gradually, the map will contain more information and the map itself can be a very good incentive to create and improve metadata and archival curation, and as such, this work-in-progress can boost new research.Galloway 2021, 166Archivists may have to let go of that “archives power” they have built as the makers and arrangers of collections, with the power to choose to destroy as well as to construct. As archivists, we need to share that power with others whose ideas of archival curation and archival access may be different from those built up in Western archival practice for several hundred years.Gabiola et al. 2022, 81Whether prior to accessioning in the archival curation process or many years later in the life of an archival collection, we must keep those who are disempowered at the forefront of our efforts as we help to uphold their right to be visible, heard, and remembered with their right to forget or to be undiscoverable, silent, or forgotten as resistance.